[I-O Psych] Fwd: SIOP launches minority student member mentoring program

Jeremy Bauer jabauer at valdosta.edu
Mon Jul 10 12:52:37 EDT 2017

Check out SIOP's new initative!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kisha Jones <admin1 at siop.org>
Date: Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 4:02 PM
Subject: SIOP launches minority student member mentoring program
To: jabauer at valdosta.edu

Dear Program Chair,

My name is Kisha Jones and I’m the chair of *SIOP’s Committee for Ethnic
Minority Affairs (CEMA).* This committee has the goal of addressing issues
related to ethnic minorities in SIOP and the field of industrial and
organizational psychology. This includes recruiting, retaining, and
supporting SIOP’s ethnic minority membership.

To this end, I am excited to inform you of the *mentoring program* CEMA is
launching to increase racial/ethnic minority student engagement in SIOP and
provide them with the information and advice they need to launch productive

The *SIOP-CEMA Mentor Program* will facilitate a mentoring relationship
whereby a SIOP member-mentor meets (via phone, internet, or in-person)
regularly with a SIOP Student Affiliate mentee(s) to discuss research,
career-related topics, graduate school-related topics, or other
professional issues of interest (e.g., academic vs. practitioner careers,
building a consulting practice, publishing in top journals). It is left up
to mentors and mentees to determine the specific topics they wish to cover
in their meetings, tailored to mentors’ specific experience/expertise and
the mentee's interests/needs.

This mentoring program will provide some structure to ensure that the
mentor-mentee relationship flourishes, but will also provide the
flexibility for mentors and mentees to develop the scheduling, content, and
mode of communication. Mentors and mentees are free to determine the best
time and date that works for them to conduct mentoring sessions.

We are hoping to launch the program in early September to coincide with the
beginning of the upcoming academic year. We are asking that you forward
this email and attached flyer to MA and PhD students in your program who
are from underrepresented groups (i.e., Black/African American, Latino/a/x,
Native American) so they may participate if they are interested in being
involved. The students would need to be current SIOP Student Affiliates.

We would then need them to complete the following short survey by August 1st
to sign up for the program: http://tiny.cc/siopcemamentoring

If you or any potential mentees have questions about this program, feel
free to contact me.

Thanks for your help and we appreciate your assistance in making the
SIOP-CEMA Mentoring Program a success!


Kisha S. Jones, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
Industrial and Organizational Area
Pennsylvania State University
Office: 612 Moore Building

Mailing: 141 Moore Building, University Park, PA 16802
Office Phone: 814.867.4843 <(814)%20867-4843>
Email: kisha.jones at psu.edu

2016-2018 Chair of the Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs,
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)
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